Saturday, September 24, 2011

Governor Jindal’s Oct 22, 2011 election endorsements

Jindal weighs in on Oct. 22 election - The Independent Weekly.

It’s some what strange to me just how Gov. Jindal went about picking who he would endorse for the Oct 22 election.  When it comes to the LA-06 District Senate race I do have a question or four for the Gov.

  1. Did you speak to any of the candidates running for a  seat besides the candidate you endorsed?
  2. Are you aware of just how your endorsed candidate stands on the side of Conservatives?
  3. Why would I, or anyone else, feel as though you are paying back a favor to these endorsed candidates?
  4. Some of these endorsed candidates are not Conservatives nor even Republicans but are RINOs who have switched from the Democrat Party for no other reason than to get (re)elected and will not work with you.  So exactly how do you justify that selection?

A case and point:  Congressman Mack 'Bodi' White has filled his term limited seat in the House of Representatives and is now seeking an office in the Senate.  While Rep. White seems to be a person of good standing a couple of things have been brought to light that makes Rep. White appear to be a typical career politician.  He claims to be a Conservative but yet some of the Bills he has written and tried to get passed into law are not Bills a true Conservative would make.

  • The Internet Tax (fee) HB 569

Rep. White tried his hardest to get this tax (fee) passed into law but thankfully it was shot down.  AG 'Buddy' Caldwell and Rep White sat before the Senate Committee on Commerce and tried to pass this tax off as a 'fee'.  Knowing full well there is a Federal law that prohibits any taxing on the internet, still they pushed hard for their 'fee' to be applied.  A true Conservative would never do a thing like this.

17 June 2009

HB 569 internet access tax fee scam shot down by senate committee

HB 569 the bill by rino bodi white to tax internet access in louisiana was deferred by the senate committee on commerce, consumer protection and international affairs.

link to the complete senate commerce committee hearing. length 01:59:54

h/t to: [emphasis mine]

The Governor had said he would veto any tax bill that came to his desk and yet he endorses Rep White, who with the assistance of the AG, tried to get this tax on the books by calling it a 'fee'.  Both of these men are endorsed by Gov. Jindal.  Conservative?? I think not!

So while the Governor endorses RINOs he never speaks to any other candidate.

Mr. Mike Mannino (R) is running against Rep. White (R) for the Senate seat for the LA-06 District.  Mr. Mannino said that the Governor has never spoken to him about this race.  Mr. Mannino is a true Conservative who believes in smaller government, less/no taxes, Pro-Life, and other conservative ideas and beliefs.  A man who will serve the people instead of himself.  A person who the Governor might find to be a good ally when a true Conservative is needed.  And yet the Governor has never spoken to Mr. Mannino.  How amazing!!

Here are the people Gov. Jindal has endorsed for the election of Oct. 22, 2011:

Gov. Jindal’s endorsements in statewide races:

Insurance Commissioner: Jim Donelon
Commissioner of Agriculture: Mike Strain
Attorney General: Buddy Caldwell
Treasurer: John Kennedy

Gov. Jindal’s endorsements in BESE races:

BESE District 1    James Garvey
BESE District 3    Glenny Lee Buquet
BESE District 4    Walter Lee
BESE District 5    Jay Guillot
BESE District 6    Chas Roemer
BESE District 7    Holly Boffy

Gov. Jindal’s endorsements for Senate:

SD01    AG Crowe
SD06    Bodi White
SD07    David Heitmeier
SD08    John A.  Alario, Jr.
SD09    Conrad Appel
SD10    Daniel “Danny” Martiny
SD11    Jack Donahue
SD15    Sharon Weston Broome
SD16    Dan Claitor
SD17    Rick Ward III
SD18    “Jody” Amedee
SD19    Garrett Monti
SD20    Norby Chabert
SD22    Fred Mills
SD23    Patrick Page Cortez
SD25    Dan “Blade” Morrish
SD26    Jonathan Perry
SD27    Ronnie Johns
SD28    Paul “Doc” Miller
SD29    Rick Gallot
SD30    John Smith
SD31    Gerald Long
SD32    Neil Riser
SD33    Mike Walsworth
SD34    Francis Thompson
SD35    Bob Kostelka
SD37    Jane Smith

Gov. Jindal’s endorsements for House:

HD01    James Morris
HD04    Patrick Williams
HD05    Alan Seabaugh
HD06    Thomas Carmody
HD07    Richard T. Burford
HD09    Henry L. Burns
HD13    James R. Fannin
HD14    Samuel P. Little
HD15    Frank A. Hoffmann
HD18    Major Thibaut
HD19    Charles R. “Bubba” Chaney
HD20    Steve Pylant
HD21    John F. “Andy” Anders
HD22    Billy R. Chandler
HD24    Frank A. Howard
HD28    Kirby Roy III
HD31    Nancy Landry
HD33    Michael E Danahay
HD35    Brett F. Geymann
HD36    Chuck Kleckley
HD37    John E. Guinn
HD38    Julie Harrington
HD39    Don Menard
HD40    Ledricka Thierry
HD41    Mickey J. Guillory
HD43    Stuart Bishop
HD44    Ricky Hardy
HD45    Joel C. Robideaux
HD46    Mike Huval
HD47    Bob Hensgens
HD48    Taylor F. Barras
HD49    Simone B. Champagne
HD51    Joe Harrison
HD52    Gordon Dove
HD56    Greg Miller
HD59    Eddie J. Lambert
HD60    Karen St. Germain
HD65    Clifton R. Richardson
HD66    Hunter Greene
HD68    Stephen F. Carter
HD69    Erich E. Ponti
HD70    Franklin J. Foil
HD71    J. Rogers Pope
HD73    Stephen E. Pugh
HD74    Scott M. Simon
HD76    J. Kevin Pearson
HD77    John M. Schroder
HD78    Kirk Talbot
HD79    Anthony V. “Tony” Ligi
HD80    Joseph P. Lopinto
HD82    Cameron Henry
HD84    Patrick Connick
HD86    Chris Broadwater
HD87    Girod Jackson III
HD88    Johnny Berthelot
HD89    Timothy Burns
HD90    “Greg” Cromer
HD91    Walt Leger III
HD92    Thomas P. Willmott
HD93    Helena Moreno
HD95    Sherman Mack
HD97    Jared Brossett
HD98    Fenn French
HD100  Austin Badon
HD101  Harold Williams

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