Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Mental Recession: Albany Police Chief Rips Critics of Occupy Albany ...

The Mental Recession: Albany Police Chief Rips Critics of Occupy Albany ...: Welcome Big Government readers... I'd like to introduce everyone to my new favorite police chief in the entire country, Steven Krokoff...
FINALLY!!! Someone holding a government office speaks out and says what he has to say..... straight to the faces of those who are guilty.
Yeah I know when you're addressing politicians there are certain 'formalities' you're suppose to use. But when those politicians are nothing more than people wanting power and could care less about doing what they swore they would do, then it's time to point a finger in their face and call them out by name. It's time to let the citizens know they do have some people in office, whether elected or appointed, who are not afraid or scared or threatened of losing their jobs who will stand up and call a spade a spade.
Hopefully by Chief Krokoff taking a stand and pointing out the two councilmen (Anton Konev and Lester Freeman) who supported the OWS trash instead of his police officers, there will be some real changes made at the next election. Every seat of government in these United States, from local, to county, to state to the Feds needs a cleaning and the trash needs to be removed.

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