Monday, August 5, 2013

August 2013 WORLDWIDE Terror Alert & The Closing Of Embassies: Not Happening In A Vacuum…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

August 2013 WORLDWIDE Terror Alert & The Closing Of Embassies: Not Happening In A Vacuum…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

Here's the final statement of this post and it speaks volumes.  Some will simply shake their head, others will smirk and laugh, some will give it a little lip service, some will call the author and writer of this piece an idiot, but a few will say yes we have indeed come to this place in our history.  It's truly sad that America no longer has defenders that honestly put her first.  No, today's leaders think only of themselves and what they will get out of the deal.
Everyone who voted for President Obama should be absolutely
ashamed and disgusted that you sold your American patriotism
for 30 pieces of progressive socialism.
For the first time in the history of our (formerly) great country,
a two-bit, piece of shit terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, has forced the world's only super power to abandon over twenty locations of
sovereign US territory out of fear for Muslim jihadis!
Do you Obama voters understand the
breadth and depth of what that means?
Do you Obama voters even care that America has now officially been defeated by a small, but highly committed group of Muslim warriors?
Do you Generals who worship at the altar of Obama, sacrificing your self-respect and abandoning your oath to this nation understand
that AQ has defeated your great military?
You Generals are so focused on your pensions and Board seats you don't realize
that your hi-tech-whiz-bang toys are useless when you no longer have
the will to fight to win.
Do all you "progressive" University professors realize that your years of indoctrination
have finally paid off and now your hated America has received her just deserts?
As we at The United West have been screaming for years, in order to
defeat the enemy you must understand the enemy. By design, this President and his Administration, including key Generals and Flag officers have refused to
fulfill their professional obligation to understand the threat doctrine of Islam.
Conversely the enemy, which includes but is not limited to Al Qaeda,
fully understands their enemy, America, and has forced us to run and hide
like a third world banana republic.
The actions of the President and many current military leaders are actions
that have betrayed all those who proudly volunteered to put on the
American uniform to fight and die. Moreover, Obama has betrayed
every American who wants to fight and defeat the enemy.
Ironically, the traitorous actions of the President have NOT betrayed
all who voted for him as they were fully aware of his efforts to
appease Islamic terrorism.
Obama and these voters hoped that the jihadis would change and
worship Obama just as his Generals now worship the President.
Wake up America!
In 2008 we told you Obama's appeasement leads to defeat!
In 2009 we told you Obama's apology to Muslims in Cairo leads to defeat!
In 2012 we told you Obama's appeasement leads to defeat!
Once again, terror hunter, Tom Trento takes no prisoners. IF only the likes of such a patriot was at the helm!

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