Thursday, June 16, 2011

Romney reaffirms stance that global warming is real

Romney reaffirms stance that global warming is real - The Boston Globe

For all those on the ‘fence’ about Mr. Romney…. If you are gullible enough to believe in this ‘Global Warming’ stuff then he is gonna be your man for the Presidential run.

We have experts in the field that tell us this is all a big hoax and we have experts that tell us it’s all true. Well I happen to have an expert that overrides them all.

My ‘expert’, as a matter of fact, created this Earth we live on. He also created the weather we experience. And if that’s not enough, He even changes the movement of the Earth and all the weather patterns that we have.

According to ‘science’ the Earth has been through Ages of Ice, from where come our glaciers. According to ‘science’ the Earth has had Periods of Heating, from where we get our deserts.

There are ‘cycles’ the Earth goes through and we just happen to be living in a small time frame of one of those periods. The Earth is always changing and that’s a fact. You can ask any scientist, of either side, and they will ALL agree on that. So just stick around and if you live long enough, you too will get to see, with your own eyes, these changes occur.

Romney has made clear that he opposes cap-and-trade, a system that would combat climate change by limiting total emissions and forcing polluters to pay for the greenhouse gases they produce. Instead, he said yesterday, he wants to wean the country from its dependence on foreign oil by seeking alternative sources of energy, and he said americans should do more to conserve.


Manchester, n.H. — In the first town hall of his freshly announced presidential campaign, mitt romney yesterday reaffirmed his view that global warming is occurring and that humans are contributing to it, a position that has been rejected in recent years by many republicans as the issue has taken on a greater partisan tinge.

After opening remarks in which romney blamed president obama’s policies for the new anemic hiring figures, the first questioner from the floor — a software developer from hanover, n.H. — Wanted to know the candidate’s position on climate change, an issue his opponents have generally avoided so far.“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course,’’ romney said. “But i believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but i believe based on what i read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that . . . So i think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’

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Romney’s comments were in line with his observations about global warming in his 2010 book, “no apology.’’ In it, he wrote: “i believe that climate change is occurring — the reduction in the size of global ice caps is hard to ignore. I also believe that human activity is a contributing factor.’’

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Theo emery of the globe staff contributed to this report. Matt viser can be reached at maviser@globe.Com.© Copyright 2011 globe newspaper company.

Posted by kaj on Thu, 06-16-2011 at 11:57:21

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